Monday, November 26, 2012

A Very Demonic Christmas Hints

#1- DemotiK  - Bringing the tree down from the attic the ornament fell and it rolled _____ ___ ______ .

#02- Cummere Mayo Creations  - Somewhere between purity and demonic resides Cummere

#03- Brick-a-Brack  -

#04- Lori's Lair   - CAGED!

#05- Dani's -  I love the song Santa Baby.

#06- Naughty Naughty -  Ooooo I love formals, look at that Zebra Couture

#07- Carrie's Lingerie - High up in the boughs up top, killed off that angel for my spot.

 #08- Les sucreries de Fairy - My Christmas will be black and white :p

 #09- T R I D E N T Jewelry - Seek by the arch of wild holly boughs,there lays your prize

#10- T R I D E N T - Where the mystic gazes into the crystal ball,your prize hides

#11- LOoLOo's Costumes & Quirks

#12-  Kat Skratch fever  - I can't wait till Christmas morning!

#13- .::[Angelic Designs]::. - Where to look? How would you know? It's nothing old,it's nothing perhaps,look for something new.

#14- *PB Designs*

#15- {:ThirteenTH:} -  If I ain't drunk then it ain't Christmas

#16- -Label Difference - Draw your Deminic Christmas

#17-BlackRose fashion - Hint:::its christmass time....!!!

#18- Skip

|#19- ViPs CoRnEr CrEaTiOnS - This Christmas will be very gothic!!!Find me in Christmas place...

#20 - Impish

#21 - The Elegant Goth

#22 - {Co*Motion} - TWO gifts at the store, two SEPARATE ones with SEPARATE hints.
First Hint::: "That lady looks demonic as hell.... AAAH!!"
 Second Hint:: "Halloween's over, but she's always around."

#23 - ..::RO!ACT::..DESIGN - I hide behind the Snowflakes!

 #24 - Athy Designs Furniture   -

#25 - Ostentatious

#26 - Ink Blots - Some say Demonic is Pure Evil

#27 - DivaLicious

#28 - Xclusives Animations - Xclusives has many things to see,
But I'm wondering where my prize could be.
There seems to be many things sitting in the BEDROOM
What's that behind the DAYBED with PLUTONIUM?

#29 - SugarNova

#30 - creatif design - Everyone likes to have a roof in christmas
Secondary Hint:: look the map in zone start

|#31 - Dirty Laundry - Where else would an ornament be??
| Shared location different floors
|#32 - Fey Kissed Designs - Haven't you ever wanted to sneak behind the register? Just once?

#33 - THORNS & PETALS - Right where you expect to find a holiday ornament...on the tree!

#34 - Stone's Works  - Feather fur or Scales - one Creature holds your gift.

#35 - Nocturnal Needs -  I think that little Meeroo thought it was an acorn!

#36 - Reliquia - I Like Hanging Around Here!

#37 - ~Shadow Moon~  - Hope you enjoy your gift

#38 - Tempestuous

#39 -  irrISIStible shop

 #40 -Skip

#41 - BaUbLeS! by Phe - Have a seat and take a rest!

#42 - Fierce Designs

#43 - Grim Death Co

#44 - Indigo Oddities  - If tonight some big fat man KIDNAPS and throws you into a sack, then please stay calm.

#45 - PA DESIGNE - Next to the sign

#46 - Raithes Curios - Dancing over the flames for this wicked holiday.

#47 - F*cking Ninjas - These ladies could be considered demons, the way they sang to crash men against the rocks.

#48 - Goth1c0

#49 - Intrigue (MIA)

#50 - Jupiter Store

#51 - Swine & Roses  -   In the Tree

#52 - Country charms

#53 - (In)Discretions - Everyone loves christmas music!
Secondary Hint:: (inside the store - but almost to the outside again!)

#54 - Circus Noir - Try your luck at the Brain!
Secondary Hint:: Have you seen the door to the building supplies?

#55 - :.::Hot Stuff::.: - Big Girls Dont cry

#56 - [AsYLUM] - Need an extra liter or two?

#57 - FANGS & FUR Lycan/Vampire Poseball Store -
Cast off the Earth, Now a "Fallen Angel" for running down Santa and lapping up his blood as if it were Fanta!

#58 - +Half-Deer+  -  Have a seat with the deer.

#59 - infamous - =^.^= Meow!

#60 - Kirei - 3 suspicious fellows on the second floor, is where you'll find what your looking for.

#61 - .::Rotten Apple::.. - watch your step

#62 - ToXiC HiGh -ToXiC Barrels

#63 -Brass in Pocket -I am right where I belong.

#64 - DAARK -

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