The Darkness behind closed doors hunt is back. This time The theme is Dark Erotica. This is a chance to let your minds go wild with what happens behind closed doors and behind dark curtains. This time around we want to really focus on the most erotic of the dark secrets kept out of the light of day and away from prying eyes. Feel free to let your imaginations roam. The only caveat is absolutely no pedophilia or anything to do with child avis for this hunt. Otherwise, it is pretty much wide open. This is one of our more popular hunts and one that our merchants and hunters tend to have a lot of fun with.
Accepted Merchant List:
1) Cummere Mayo Creations
2) LooLoo's
3) Blackrose Fassion
4) Shhh! Its a Secret
5) X-clusives Animations
6) Vips Creations
7) Athy Designs Furniture
8) Celtic Creations
9) RO!Act Designs
10) Naughty Naughty
11) Coull Creations
12) Akeana'a Architecture
13) Les sucreries de Fairy
14) Mesh Glam
15) Lantian
16) Aster's Builts
17) Slave
18) DoZaNier Designs, Domino and Zahara's Creations
19 ) Brick-a-Brack
20) petite moments
21) Trident Jewelry
22) Trident
23) Miss Jewell